A Bridal Boudoir Photoshoot, Both Soft and Sexy in Los Angeles
Almost all of the boudoir photo shoots that take place with Sasser Stills Boudoir first begin with a pre-planning session. This is where you come in to see the studio, take a look at some sample albums, we talk about outfit choices and your favorite photos to make sure your dream photo shoot happens. You can setup your own pre-planning session here. Mrs. J came in from out of town so we started with a phone call. Like many women, she was nervous but excited. This would be a wedding gift for her husband to be, and she wanted to make it amazing.
I love to start with an off the shoulder shirt or a loose sweater. It feels soft and intimate. With every turn of the page, the pictures get a little more risque. Pro tip, anything sheer will look AMAZING. One of the all time classic looks is something we in the photography business call a “White Sheet Session.” There is something about having only a sheet to cover you up that is incredibly sexy.
Mrs. J looks like a natural doesn’t she? You are probably thinking, "She has never taken a bad photograph in her life!” There is always a small warm up period before the expressions really come together, and for Mrs. J it was actually longer than normal. I want you to know that no matter your comfort level or how photogenic you think you are, I will work with you to get the most amazing pictures of yourself that you have ever seen. Hear it for yourself from these woman speaking about their boudoir experience.
The first step is getting a little more information, so fill out the contact form and I’ll be in touch!